2011年11月19日 のアーカイブ

Rocket Test Launching

2011年11月19日 土曜日

Rocket test launching had been conducted today at Futawa experiment field.

Futawa experiment field

Futawa experiment field

The rocket with Prof. Akiyama and Mr. Kosada

The rocket with Prof. Akiyama and Mr. Kosada

Although it was rainy, Cansat “Smoother” was launched as a payload .

“Smoother” was developed by last year’s freshmen of Nihon Univ, and the mission of  Smoother is soft landing using speed reduction by reeling parachute wire.

last year's Freshmen who developed "Smoother"

last year's Freshmen who developed "Smoother"

It had worked well at the last year’s balloon experiments, but it is first-time launch for them.

The result, it was successfully launch the rocket, and Cansat was released.

But mission of “Smoother” failed with free fall. Disconnection of parachute wire was due to a shock pressure that occurred during release from the rocket, and then, free fall was occurred.

In this case, the shock pressure acting on parachute wire seems to be around fifty times as much as Cansat’ weight.  The real causes of the failure were lack of research about rocket and communication with Wakayama Univ.  It was our fault.

It would be good lesson for us and for all participants.

However, the parachute of Cansat is not found yet. We will search and rescue it again in a few days.

Goodbye party for Mr. Leo

Goodbye party for Mr. Leo

By the way, Mr. Leo, who is an observer of CLTP2, will go back  home country tomorrow. Thank you for your kind speaking English, I miss you and your lecture about “Lunch box”. I never forget you, your smile, and “lunch box” lecture!

Thank you, Mr.Leo!


Indonesian traditional clothes from Mr. Leo

The 5th day of CLTP2

2011年11月19日 土曜日

It is the 5th day of CLTP2! Today’s agenda was the following;

9:00-13:00 lectures.

Lectures by Mr. Akiyama and Mr. Miyazaki

Lectures by Mr. Akiyama and Mr. Miyazaki

13:00-14:00 having lunch with mentors.



14:00-17:00 determine the mission

Talking about the mission

Talking about the mission

17:00~17:30 watch the meeting of “Eisei-Koubou”; meeting of projects worked by undergraduate students B1~B4 grade

the meeting of "Eisei Koubou"

the meeting of "Eisei Koubou"

We had lectures in the morning. Then, we determined the mission of Cansat at 14:00-17:00. At last, we took part in the meeting of “Eisei-koubou”.

We will observe rocket test flight tomorrow.