2011年11月18日 のアーカイブ

Tour of JAXA at Sagamihara

2011年11月18日 金曜日

The 4th day of CLTP2
It is the 4th day of CLTP2!
Today we went to ISAS/JAXA.
Today’s agenda was the following;
9:30 starting from Nihon Univ.
12:00 arriving at ISAS/JAXA and soon eating lunch.
13:00 tour the facility of ISAS/JAXA.
14:30 lecture on IKAROS by Mr.Shirasawa

Arriving to ISAS/JAXA!(Sorry, this is not all members…)

Tour of JAXA

Tour of JAXA

Lunch together.



Facility tour (This room is exhibition room)

The Incredibles

The Incredibles



They are so cool!!

Lecture by Dr.Shirasawa(My special thanks to Dr.Shirasawa.)

Presentation of IKAROS by Dr.Shirasawa

Presentation of IKAROS by Dr.Shirasawa

16:30 starting from ISAS/JAXA
20:00 arriving at Nihon Univ.
We are very grateful to Professors and staffs of ISAS/JAXA !
We enjoyed so much and we were able to study and know ISAS’s facilities, researches.