2011年12月1日 のアーカイブ

THE 18th days of CLTP

2011年12月1日 木曜日

Today is 18th days of CLTP .

We continue to develop Cansat FM.

Team B

Team B

Mr.Masuda support us

Mr.Masuda's helps

Fortunately, Mr. Masuda, who is the best engineer as far as we can see, helped us today. He always helps us to solve any problems, and he also helps undergraduates when they are in trouble in electronic engineering. We sincerely appreciate his help.

FM cansat

Flight Model of Team A Cansat

Besides Mr. Nakajima and Mr. Kanda made 10 parachutes today !

Mr. Nakajima and Mr. Kanda

Mr. Nakajima and Mr. Kanda with "Doya" smile

We hope to finish FM development by tomorrow !!

The 17th day of CLTP2

2011年12月1日 木曜日

Today is the 17th day of CLTP2.

Yesterday, Ms. Inoue and Mr. Noguchi made the board of FM all the night. Today, Ms. Inoue and Mr. Ainoura are also making it in this night.

Milling the board

Milling the board

Today, we continue to develop Cansat FM.

Team B made some mistakes at circuit design. Therefore, they fixed it and made the board again. We should be careful about circuit design and we hope not to make that mistakes.

Soldering the board of FM

Soldering the board of FM

In the afternoon, some team could start to conduct the structure.

Conduct the structure

Conduct the structure

We have only three days when we can develop Cansat.

We hope to finish milling the board and structure by tomorrow.

Let’s complete Cansat development by balloon testing!!