Midterm Review

Good evening.
We introduce an event in today’s CLTP2.
There was a midterm review this morning.
Everybody performed eagerly last confirmation before the presentation.

check, check, check, check, ...

Each team presented the progress.
We cannot help to be amazed that they have done brilliant work in five days.

very interesting presentation

After presentation, there are many questions with much interest more than Monday (M/SDR).
After all, we become easy to ask them questions when an idea is realized.

everybody ask questions

Apart from it, I (= Kamemura) must better my poor English.

continue to work

When review was over, they continue the development again.
Two weeks passed since we met them for the first time.
When I looked back, It was very short.
Their Cansats should be completed in next week.
Because we have short time from now, anyway, we want to do our best, too.
